Number of Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers in the United States in 2024

Last updated on November 27, 2024

How many Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers are there in the United States?

There are 245 Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers in the United States as of November 27, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Takeuchi Manufacturing locations in the US is Texas, with 17 dealers, which is about 7% of all Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers in the US.


How can I download a list of Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 245 Takeuchi Manufacturing locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers


17 (7%)

A dealer for every 1,705,647 people, in Texas with about 7% of the total number of Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers


15 (6%)

A dealer for every 1,431,867 people, in Florida with about 6% of the total number of Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers


12 (5%)

A dealer for every 1,056,000 people, in Illinois with about 5% of the total number of Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers

State / Territory Number of dealers Population Population per dealer
Texas 17 (7%) 29.00M 1.71M
Florida 15 (6%) 21.48M 1.43M
Illinois 12 (5%) 12.67M 1.06M
Georgia 11 (4%) 10.62M 965.18K
Michigan 11 (4%) 9.99M 907.91K
Pennsylvania 11 (4%) 12.80M 1.16M
New York (4%) 19.45M 2.16M
Ohio (3%) 11.69M 1.46M
Virginia (3%) 8.54M 1.07M
Indiana (3%) 6.73M 841.50K

There are Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers in 49 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers

These states and territories do not have any Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers

  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • District of Columbia
  • North Dakota
  • Puerto Rico
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • American Samoa
  • Guam

There are 7 states and territories without Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers in the United States

Cities with the most number of Takeuchi Manufacturing dealers in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Cypress Texas 2
Tampa Florida 2
Evansville Indiana 2
Corbin Kentucky 2
Cody Wyoming 2
Pensacola Florida 1
Lawrenceville Georgia 1
Bryan Texas 1
Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania 1
Idaho Falls Idaho 1

Download the complete database of Takeuchi Manufacturing Locations in USA

You can download the full list of Takeuchi Manufacturing locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
General Equipment & Supplies 4600 Valley Industrial Blvd Shakopee MN 55379 952-224-1500 44.792562 -93.462034 4600 Valley Industrial Blvd, Shakopee, MN, 55379 USA 2024-11-27
Sms Equipment Inc 8895 King Street Anchorage AK 99515 855-457-3687 61.13977 -149.877696 8895 King Street, Anchorage, AK, 99515 USA 2024-11-27
Sms Equipment Inc 3606 Schachte Street Fairbanks AK 99701 907-371-1501 64.812861 -147.763661 3606 Schachte Street, Fairbanks, AK, 99701 USA 2024-11-27
Cowin Equipment Co., Inc 35 Schillinger Rd N Mobile AL 36608 251-633-4020 30.692189 -88.225659 35 Schillinger Rd N, Mobile, AL, 36608 USA 2024-11-27
Cowin Equipment Co., Inc 4325 Northern Boulevard Montgomery AL 36110 334-262-6642 32.422069 -86.240551 4325 Northern Boulevard, Montgomery, AL, 36110 USA 2024-11-27
Cowin Equipment Co., Inc 15101 Alabama Hwy 20 Madison AL 35756 256-850-0006 34.699257 -86.748331 15101 Alabama Hwy 20, Madison, AL, 35756 USA 2024-11-27
Cowin Equipment Co. Inc 1800 Culver Road Tuscaloosa AL 35401 205-848-4147 33.198408 -87.595404 1800 Culver Road, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35401 USA 2024-11-27
Cowin Equipment Co., Inc 1501 Hwy 78 E Oxford AL 36203 256-832-5053 33.614784 -85.792212 1501 Hwy 78 E, Oxford, AL, 36203 USA 2024-11-27
Cowin Equipment Co., Inc 2238 Pinson Valley Pkwy Birmingham AL 35217 205-841-6666 33.599785 -86.756931 2238 Pinson Valley Pkwy, Birmingham, AL, 35217 USA 2024-11-27
General Equipment & Supplies 4796 Rice Lake Road Duluth MN 55803 218-297-1105 46.858208 -92.152653 4796 Rice Lake Road, Duluth, MN, 55803 USA 2024-11-27

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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